Sunday, March 15, 2020


Brothers and Sisters and Non-binary friends, our devotional reading this morning is from the book of Dune, by Frank Herbert:

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing. Only I remain."

Take one long breath, my friends, and try to experience the absence of fear. As Mama used to say, "This too, shall pass."

Remember: We fear what we do not know. We cannot see the future right now, so we fear what it might bring.

But we do have this moment in the present to shrug off the fear--even if just for a few brief moments of peace.

We can consciously choose to stop focusing on What if... What if... What if... and celebrate What is.

In this moment, all my children, and all my grandchildren, are well and healthy. I am grateful.

In this moment, I have food for the day and for tomorrow and for the week ahead, and I am grateful.

I even have a couple more rolls of toilet paper. Gratitude!!

I will endeavor today to focus away from what "might be bad" in the coming days, and turn my focus in another direction, perhaps toward one person I can help or reach out to with love.

We could all use a bit more love, a bit more kindness, a bit more comfort. And if that means giving a roll of toilet paper to an elderly neighbor because he or she or they are frightened to go out, I hope I'm willing to make that sacrifice. I hope we all are. I think we will be.

In these times, I always see the best of us.

1 comment:

  1. Good one! Also. Black holes live without fear. They eat whatever they want. They don't fear, hate, love (eh), regret, experience jealously, judge, lie, cheat or steal. They are gravitational, time-bending, star and matter-shattering wonders of the cosmos. So, be a black hole. :) We're in this together.
    Love you! <3 :)
